Arduino Intro Course Guide

Arduino Intro Course Guide


This is an introductory and exploratory course on Physical Computing with Arduino covering 4 major units, namely:

  1. Introduction to Arduino Physical Computing Platform
  2. Interfacing Sensors with Arduino
  3. Working with Actuators, and;
  4. Display and Monitoring Systems

Each unit covers all the necessary learning competencies and the related educational resources such as online articles, hands-on activities, explainer videos, and sample projects. This course guide enables students to learn and discover Arduino for education through a series of hands-on activities that they can do at home or in school.



Introduction to Arduino Physical Computing Platform

Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the interaction of the hardware and software components in Arduino.
Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to independently make and program LED electronic circuits using Arduino.


Unit Topic Content
Learning Competencies
Hands-on Exercises
Learn Arduino Intro App
Online Articles
Explainer Videos
Sample Projects

Introduction to Arduino Microcontroller


1. Define the Arduino Physical Computing Platform


2. Determine the parts of an Arduino microcontroller


3. Identify the features of the Arduino IDE




All You Need to Know About Arduino
























DIY Arduino Lampshade



How To Create Your Zodiac Sign Using Recyclable Materials and LEDs



How to Make a Cloud Mood Lamp with Arduino



How to Make a Garden Sunset Lantern with Arduino



How To Make a D-I-Y LED Wall Lamp Using Arduino



Making an Arduino Mushroom LED Lights Decoration



How to Make a D-I-Y Nano Infinity Gauntlet Decorative Table Lamp Using Arduino



DIY Flameless Campfire Using LEDs























Using the Breadboard


4. Define a breadboard


5. Determine the proper use of a breadboard


6. Identify the purpose of jumper wires




Learn How to Use a Breadboard


LED Circuits and Arduino IDE


Arduino Functions:

  • pinMode() 
  • digitalWrite()
  • delay()


7. Define an LED


8. Explain the purpose of a resistor





Making the Arduino Blinking LED Project (a Complete Tutorial)



9. Create an LED circuit using Arduino


10. Write an Arduino sketch to turn on and turn off an LED


Project 1. Blink (turn on/off an LED)

Working with more than 1 LED

  • Alternate Blink
  • Running Lights



11. Create a breadboard circuit with 2 LEDs attached to different pins


12. Write an Arduino sketch/code to turn on and turn off more than 1 LED.


Project 2: Alternate Blink





Project 3: Running Lights


How to Make an Alternate Blink and Running Lights Effect


Parallel LED Circuits

  • 2 LEDs 1 Pin
  • 4 LEDs 2 Pins


13. Make a parallel connection with 2 LEDs in 1 Pin


14. Make a parallel connection with 4 LEDs and 2 Pins



Project 4: 2 LEDs 1 Pin




Project 5: 4 LEDs 2 Pins





2 LEDs 1 Pin, 4 LEDs 2 Pins: Make Your LED Projects Brighter


Fade Effect

Arduino Functions:

  • analogWrite()
  • for() loop




15. Define a PWM pin


16. List the PWM pins in the Arduino Uno board


17. Discuss how an LED fade effect works.


18. Demonstrate a fading effect using 1 LED.



Project 7: Fade in Fade Out



Become a Master of the Fade in Fade out Effect (Arduino Style)



19. Sequencing a fading effect for two LEDs


2 LEDs Alternate Fade Effect (Using the for-loop)


Random LED Brightness


20. Define the random() and randomSeed() functions.


21. Identify the syntax of the random() and randomSeed() functions


22. Use random numbers to determine the brightness of an LED


23. Apply random brightness to more than 1 LED


Randomizing LED Brightness Using random() and randomSeed() in Arduino




24. Identify the 2 types of RGB LED


25. Name the pins of the RGB LED


26. Identify the correct circuit for the RGB LED


27. Write an Arduino sketch to mix the colors of the RGB LED


How to Control an RGB LED with Arduino: A Step-by-Step Guide


Mixing Colors in Arduino Using the KS and KY RGB LED Module









Interfacing Sensors with Arduino

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and underlying principles of various sensors.
Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to independently create a robotics application applying the functions and capabilities of sensors.


Unit Topic Content
Learning Competencies
Hands-on Exercises
Learn Arduino Intro App
Online Articles
Explainer Videos
Sample Projects




Arduino Functions:

  • digitalRead()
  • if – else statement


1. Define a Pushbutton


2. Identify the correct breadboard circuit for a pushbutton or switch.


3. State the syntax of the if-else statement


4. Analyze how an if-else statement works.




Using Simple Pushbutton Switches to Light Up LEDs





























Mini Frisbee Sensor-Based Arduino Project



Arduino DIY Hockey Game with LEDs



Ring Toss Arduino DIY Sensor-Based Game



DIY Arduino Bowling Game



SHOOT: A Make-Shift Mini-Arcade Game (With Arduino Sensors)



Arduino Skee Ball Classic Arcade Game



How to Make a D-I-Y Mini Billiard Game (Sensor-Based Game)



DIY Mini Bucket Toss Game With Arduino



Making the Arduino DIY Pinball Machine



3 stacks x 3 shots: an Arduino Game Prototype
































5. Determine the current state of a pushbutton.


Project 8: Push the button



6. Create a breadboard circuit with a pushbutton and an LED


7. Write an Arduino sketch/code to turn on and turn off an LED using a pushbutton.



Project 9: Switch on Switch off


8. Change the brightness of an LED using 2 pushbuttons


Project 10: Light Controller

9. Make an LED remember its current state every time a pushbutton is pressed.



Sticky Switch Project

Touch Sensor


Working Principle of Touch Sensors


Creating different modes using if-else if statement


10. Define the Touch sensor


11. Determine the pins of the Touch sensor


12. Describe the working principle of a Touch sensor




Make User-Friendly Arduino Projects with a Touch Sensor




13. Identify the correct connection of the Touch sensor to the Arduino board


14. Write an Arduino sketch/code to read the value of a touch sensor.



Project 11: Touch Sensor value


15. Control an LED using the Touch sensor



Project 12: LED Touch


16. Create a mode functionality using the touch sensor


Changing Modes with a Touch


Adding a Mode Functionality to Your Arduino Projects Using a Touch Sensor


Light Sensor


LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)










17. Define an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)


18. Explain how a light sensor works






Light Sensor: How to Make Your Robots React to Light

19. Make a light sensor using an LDR


20. Determine the value of a light sensor


Project 15: Light Sensor Reading

21. Write an Arduino sketch/code to turn on and turn off an LED using a light sensor.


Project 16: Light-Sensing LED

Basic Piezo Buzzer Project (Beeping Sound)

Piezo Buzzer


22. Define the tone() function


23. Produce sounds using a piezo buzzer



Buzzer + LED + Sensor


Adding Sound to Arduino Using the MH-FMD Piezo Buzzer Module




Tilt Sensor


24. Define a tilt sensor


25. Determine how a tilt sensor works




Tilt Sensor with Arduino Easy Tutorial


26. Write an Arduino sketch/code to read the value of a tilt sensor.



Tilt Sensor Value

27. Write an Arduino sketch/code to turn on and turn off an LED using a tilt sensor.



Tilt Sensor with 1 LED


2 Tilt Sensor 2 LEDs

Proximity Sensors


Infrared Obstacle Sensor


Relational and Conditional Operators


Working with 2 Sensors in 1 Project


28. Define Proximity Sensor


29. State the working principle of a proximity sensor.




Detecting Objects Using the Infrared (IR) Obstacle Sensor


30. Identify the proper connection of an infrared sensor to an Arduino board


31. Write an Arduino sketch/code to read the value of an infrared sensor.




Project 11: Touch Sensor value (*using an IR Sensor)

32. Write an Arduino sketch/code to turn on and turn off an LED using an infrared sensor.




Project 12: LED Touch (*using an IR Sensor)

33. Differentiate the conditional operators in Arduino.


34.   Differentiate the relational operators in Arduino


35. Combine an infrared sensor and touch sensor in 1 project.


2-Sensor Project with 1 LED


2-Sensor Project with 2 LEDs




Combining the Infrared Sensor and Touch Sensor in 1 Arduino Project (with Circuit and Sketch)


Ultrasonic Sensor


36. Define an ultrasonic sensor


37. State how ultrasonic sensors work





Using the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor to Detect Objects


38. Identify the pins of the ultrasonic sensor


39. Measure the distance in inches using an ultrasonic sensor



Project 22: Sonar Distance Calculator

40. Write an Arduino sketch/code to turn on and turn off an LED using an ultrasonic sensor.



Ultrasonic Sensor with 1 LED



41. Define a potentiometer


42. Determine the correct wiring of a potentiometer


43. Describe the working principle of a potentiometer (variable resistor)




Adding Potentiometers in Your Arduino Projects


44. Write a sketch to read the value of a potentiometer



Project 43: Potentiometer Value

45. Explain the map() function


Project 44: LED Brightness Controller

46. Control LEDs using a potentiometer



Making a LED Meter with a Potentiometer


Making a LED Meter with a Potentiometer





Working with Actuators

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concept and underlying principles of actuators.
Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to independently create a robotics application applying the functions and capabilities of actuators.


Unit Topic Content
Learning Competencies
Hands-on Exercises
Learn Arduino Intro App
Online Articles
Explainer Videos
Sample Projects



Servo Motors


Connecting a Servo Motor to the Arduino Board


Controlling 2 Servo Motors


Using the for-loop to control a servo motor


1. Define an actuator


2. Define servo motor





Servo Motors Made Simple with Arduino



Taz the TRASHmanian Devil: A DIY Arduino Trash Bin



The Fortune-Telling Skills of Robby the Robot



Home-y Organizer: An Arduino Servo and Sensor Project



DIY LED Lighted Santa Claus Robot



MERVO: The Entertainment Servo Robot



DIY Smart Trash Bin with LEDs and IR sensor




3. Determine the correct wiring of a servo motor


4. Write an Arduino sketch/code to move a servo motor at certain angles



Project 32: Wiper



5. Connect 2 servo motors to an Arduino board.


6. Write a sketch to move 2 servo motors.



Project 33: Double Wiper


Project 34: Follow the Leader



7. Use a for-loop to make smooth motor movements



Smooth Servo Motion


Adding the Infrared Sensor and LED for Object Detection


Simple Radar System with Infrared and Servo Motor








Servo Motors and Potentiometers


Servo Motors and Pushbutton Switches


Increment and Decrement Operator


8. Determine the proper wiring of a potentiometer and a servo motor.


9. Write an Arduino sketch/code to control the angles of a servo motor using a potentiometer



Project 45: Potentiometer Servo Control


Realtime Servo Motor Control with Switches and Potentiometers



10. Write an Arduino sketch/code to control the angles of a servo motor using 2 potentiometers



Project 46: Double Servo Pot Control



11. Define the increment and decrement operators


12. Determine the proper wiring of 2 pushbuttons and a servo motor.


13. Write an Arduino sketch/code to control the angles of a servo motor using pushbutton switches



Project 48: Servo Switch Control


Realtime Servo Motor Control with Switches and Potentiometers


Servo Motors and Proximity Sensors


14. Identify the correct wiring of an infrared sensor and a servo motor


15. Write an Arduino sketch/code to control the angles of a servo motor using an infrared sensor



Sensory Reaction


Sensory Double Reaction


Making Servo Motors React to Sensors





Display and Monitoring Systems

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concept and underlying principles of Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD).
Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to independently create an environment monitoring system applying the functions and capabilities of a Liquid Crystal Display.


Unit Topic Content
Learning Competencies
Hands-on Exercises
Learn Arduino Intro App
Online Articles
Explainer Videos
Sample Projects


Liquid Crystal Display


I2C (inter-integrated communication) Protocol


I2C LCD Library


I2C LCD Functions


1. Define an I2C LCD





Displaying Characters Using the I2C Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)








2. Determine the correct wiring of the I2C LCD


3. Determine the Arduino libraries to use for the I2C LCD.


4. Install the required libraries for I2C LCD


5. Identify the basic commands for the I2C LCD.


6. Write an Arduino sketch/code to display characters on the I2C LCD



Project 49: LCD Hello World

LCD Custom Characters


LCD Scrolling Effect


7. Identify the commands to create a custom character


8. Design a custom character using an online character generator tool.



Project 50: LCD Custom Characters



Create Custom Characters for the I2C LCD Easily






9. Determine the commands in making a text scrolling effect


10. Explain the process of making a scrolling effect


11. Write an Arduino sketch/code to display scrolling characters on the I2C LCD.



LCD Scrolling Effect

Using Pushbuttons and LEDs with LCD (Display LED Status)


12. Make the proper circuit for the pushbutton, LEDs, and LCD


13. Monitor the status of an LED using the I2C LCD



Project 52: LCD LED Status


Make Interactive Arduino Projects Using Pushbutton and LCD





14. Create a mode functionality using pushbuttons and LCD



Project 51: LCD Switch Modes

Using Potentiometers and LEDs with LCD (Displaying Potentiometer Value)


15. Display the value of a potentiometer on the I2C LCD


16. Use a potentiometer to control LEDs and display their status on the screen.


Simple LED Meter


Simple LED Meter Using Potentiometer and I2C LCD (Quick Tutorial)








Arduino Intro

Arduino Intro is dedicated to providing high-quality, beginner-friendly resources for learning Arduino and electronics. Our mission is to make technology accessible to everyone through comprehensive tutorials, hands-on projects, and a supportive community.